Poopy Diapers and Burp Rags

All things Jonathan

Thursday, March 03, 2005

1000 book challenge

In January I challenged my students to read 1000 books by the end of the year. This was a big challenge for them, but we have been doing well. For each book the students read they must fill out a book review sheet and have a parent sign it to prove they really read the book. My students have been working hard (some a lot harder than others...) and today they reached 410 books! I am so proud of them! But I just don't know if they will make the 1000 by the middle of May....


  • At 3/04/2005 7:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Sounds impressive to me - that is a lot of books! Your students are so cute and I know they are lucky to have you for their teacher!

    p.s: - tell them hi


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