Poopy Diapers and Burp Rags

All things Jonathan

Wednesday, February 15, 2006


Jonathan is now 15 weeks old today! He has been to the doctor twice this week and has been diagnosed with Bronchiolitus. We came home with a nebulizer, and he does breathing treatments every 4 hours. It was so scary because he was having a hard time breathing, and it made him cough and hack, and sometimes it seemed like he wasn't ever going to start breathing again. But...the treatments seem to be helping and he isn't weezing or coughing as much. He is also a whopping 10 pounds and 15 ounces! woo hoo!

My dad came into town this week and it is the first time I have seen him in over 2 years, so it has been a nice little visit...!

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Thank You

I wanted to thank my good friends Andy and Niki Frew for the 2 beautiful slings and box of goodies you sent! (seriously, check out their site on my links area) You guys are awesome!

Also, thank you to Dawn Bosic for hooking me up with a crib, changing table, clothes and all that other fun stuff! I appreciate it very much!

Thank you to everyone who has helped make this transition into motherhood a little bit easier!

Saturday, February 04, 2006


Friday, February 03, 2006

Oh yeah

Guess who's 13 weeks and has slept through the night for the past 4 nights??? Oh yeah...my little man!!!!!!!!!!

He is doing good and getting so fat! I love his little fat rolls on his legs. He has also started "talking" back when I talk to him...it is so funny because he looks like he is trying so hard to say something!

Yep, I love him.